Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sailing Away......

Creating this image for me took a lot of work, I had to make two types of blends
for the top and the bottom. Then I took a part of the bottom one and made the
sun. After that, I used the "dodge" tool and made a reflection in the water later
adding the boat and its reflection. Then I added some beautiful clouds.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Filmstrip Time !

This is an orange blossom filmstrip I made by editing the same photo
four different times using different filters. 

Using the same method I made this Italy filmstrip. 

Wish you were here!

Here is an image I made with the location of the Hollywood Walk of  Fame. In this image I added, Marilyn Monroe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Me, a goose, and a tiger. 

I prefer this version without the text. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Arreguin Tree Farm & Nursery

My tree creation 

To make the final product of making my 'company' banner I first started by making the tree. That consisted of making the trunk, giving it a shadow, making the branches, and then drawing the leaves. Once I was done with that, I added it to the banner with my background, and then added my text.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

MS Publisher

Febrauary Calander of events ! Made a calendar added the events
and the details to the side. Also, added some images to go with.
Our flyer for the Valentine Dinner Dance.
Added the information and added the images.
My Business Card. Added the information by edit business information.

Gift certificate for a $25.00 off the Dinner Dance.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Digital Graphics Introduction

1. What is your full name?
  •     My full name is Viridiana Arreguin, but its Viry for short.
2. What is the name of the College you are attending?
  • I attend South Florida State College.
3. What program of study are you taking at the college?
  •  I am enrolled in the Medical Administrative Specialist program.
4. When did you begin the program and when do you hope to complete it?
  • I began in the Fall Semester of 2011, and hope to complete this summer of 2013.
5. Why are you taking the Digital Graphics course?
  • I am taking this course because it was a great opportunity offered to me and I might as well take advantage of it!
6. What previous expirience (if any) do you have with digital graphics?
  • In my previous Business Math class we had a mini lesson using Sumo.