Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Digital Graphics Introduction

1. What is your full name?
  •     My full name is Viridiana Arreguin, but its Viry for short.
2. What is the name of the College you are attending?
  • I attend South Florida State College.
3. What program of study are you taking at the college?
  •  I am enrolled in the Medical Administrative Specialist program.
4. When did you begin the program and when do you hope to complete it?
  • I began in the Fall Semester of 2011, and hope to complete this summer of 2013.
5. Why are you taking the Digital Graphics course?
  • I am taking this course because it was a great opportunity offered to me and I might as well take advantage of it!
6. What previous expirience (if any) do you have with digital graphics?
  • In my previous Business Math class we had a mini lesson using Sumo.

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