Viridiana Arreguin
Student Number:
Chapter 8: Color
PART 1: READ Chapter
2 in the GIMP book, then:
Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
Change the color of the
answer to BLUE.
Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL
1. Briefly define the
following color terms:
· Additive color- used to depict color
· Subtractive color- CMT (cyan, magenta and yellow,) and if you overlap all
three in effectively equal mixture, all the light is subtracted giving the
image of black
· HSV color- Hue, Saturation, and value, is a useful color model
instead of splitting an image it uses conceptual parts of the image
· CMYK color- It’s a color system that is used for printing
2. What is the
relationship between additive and subtractive color?- They both use three numbers to represent a color hue.
3. How many bits do
most computers use to represent color? - 32
the Important Note below regarding bit color.
4. What is the
TRIANGLE COLOR SELECTOR used for? It provides
an alternate HSV service
GIMP, the bit break-down is:
· RGB Channel: 8
bits for RED, 8 bit for GREEN, 8 bits for BLUE
· ALPHA Channel: 8
An Alpha value
indicates the transparency of a pixel. Besides its Red, Green and Blue
values, a pixel has an alpha value. The smaller the alpha value of a pixel,
the more visible the colors below it [the greater the transparency]. A pixel
with an alpha value of 0 is completely transparent. A pixel with an alpha
value of 255 (or Hex ff) is fully opaque.
some image file formats, you can only specify that a pixel is completely
transparent or completely opaque [JPGs are always opaque]. Other file formats
allow a variable level of transparency [such as GIF and PNG].
the GIMP Glossary:
1. HEX
Web Colors: Go to this link to find more about web colors:
From the information in this Wiki article, analyze the
following hex values and describe what color of each (the first is done for
A. #cc22cc Color: purple (Notice
the high RED and high BLUE values)
B. #ff0000 Color: red
C. #0000bb Color: blue
D. #000000 Color:
E. #11ff11 Color: green
F. #999999 Color: gray (What
color is it when all the hex digits are the same?)
2. HEX
Web Colors Image:
· Now
open GIMP and create a new 600 X 600 art canvas.
· Choose
the BRUSH Tool.
· Click
on the Foreground Color Picker at the bottom of
the Toolbox and type in the first color (#cc22cc) from the list
· Use a
calligraphic brush to draw out the word PURPLE across the
canvas. See the sample here à
· Create
a new layer.
· Now
enter the second color above (#ff0000) in the Color Picker, and draw
out theappropriate color word with the Brush on the new layer.
· Continue
adding new layers with the appropriate color names for each of the colors
above. (The color words can overlap, be at angles, be different sizes,
different transparencies, etc. You can also add brush decorations, shapes,
etc. if you like to create an interesting, attractive image.)
· Save
the image as a JPG in your GIMP folder with the file name Hex Colors
· Delete
the sample image (“Purple”) and insert your own Hex Colors image
3. Color
· Go to
the web site for this book:
· Click
on the PHOTOS FROM THE BOOK link, and scroll down to see the images for
Chapter 2.
· Download
and save these images: Yosemite Storm, the yellow flower, Dave
(image of man at a table, right after the yellow flower image), and
the Shakespeare page.
· With
the images you downloaded, follow the instructions in pages 303 through 319 to
adjust various color properties. You do not have to complete the
entire chapter; you may stop just before Indexed Color on
page 219. (Of course, you are more than welcome to complete the
chapter if you like.)
· After
the adjustments, save the final version of the images, then insert the
final adjusted images here:
Yosemite Storm:
Yellow Flower:
Shakespeare Page:
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